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Local History Collection
GB 2830 LHC · Colección · 1707 - 2012

This modest collection contains books covering all parts of Yorkshire with an emphasis on West Yorkshire and Leeds in particular. Notable volumes include the 2nd edition of Thoresby’s Ducatus Leodiensis, Whitaker’s expanded edition Leodis and Elmete and Allen’s New and complete history of the county of York.

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Walter Sydney Lund
LUN · Unidad documental compuesta · 1915 - 2007

Walter Sydney Lund was a student at the City of Leeds Training College from 1915 to 1917 in Cavendish Hall. He fought during the First World War in the Middle East. the file contains introductory letters, photograph of Cavendish Hall students ca. 1917, brief Biography of Walter Lund. Photocopies of Oxford Senior Local Examinations Certificate 1914 and 1915, Board of Education Certificate for Leeds Training College 1917. Royal Society of Teachers Certificate, covering letter and conditions 1921.

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Biography of Walter Sydney Lund
LUN/5 · Unidad documental simple · 2007
Parte de Walter Sydney Lund

Includes a biography of Walter Sydney Lund, a hand-drawn map of WW1 Middle East, and copies of teaching certificates.