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The Owl, Winter 1915 -Spring 1916
The Owl, Winter 1915 -Spring 1916
Alphabetical list of Carnegie students Session 1936-37
Alphabetical list of Carnegie students Session 1936-37
Merrion Centre - Morrisons and office tower
Merrion Centre - Morrisons and office tower
City of Leeds Training College Handbook
City of Leeds Training College Handbook
Leeds Polytechnic 1970-1980, a decade of achievement
Leeds Polytechnic 1970-1980, a decade of achievement
‘Dixie’ British Army standard issue.
‘Dixie’ British Army standard issue.
Cavendish Cricket Team
Cavendish Cricket Team
Harrier Team photograph
Harrier Team photograph
[Tate’s King Lear], [no date].
[Tate’s King Lear], [no date].
Tate’s King Lear, [No date].
Tate’s King Lear, [No date].