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Affichage de 17 résultats

Description archivistique
City of Leeds Training College Coming of Age Celebrations Souvenir
City of Leeds Training College Coming of Age Celebrations Souvenir
City of Leeds Training College handbook
City of Leeds Training College handbook
City of Leeds College of Education Diamond Jubilee 1908-1968
City of Leeds College of Education Diamond Jubilee 1908-1968
College memories
College memories
Photographs of City of Leeds Training College opening
Photographs of City of Leeds Training College opening
Inter Hostel Shield, Parson's Trophy
Inter Hostel Shield, Parson's Trophy
City of Leeds Training College coming of age souvenir handbook, 1907-1928
City of Leeds Training College coming of age souvenir handbook, 1907-1928
Notes for job application
Notes for job application
CLTC Hockey XI
CLTC Hockey XI
City of Leeds Training College. Handbook. Souvenir of the Official Opening 13 June 1913
City of Leeds Training College. Handbook. Souvenir of the Official Opening 13 June 1913