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The Carnegie Physical Training College Leeds. Annual report 1934-35
The Carnegie Physical Training College Leeds. Annual report 1934-35
Carnegie College of Physical Education. Open Day Programme. 22 April 1950.
Carnegie College of Physical Education. Open Day Programme. 22 April 1950.
Leeds Polytechnic. Carnegie School of Physical Education and Human Movement Studies. School Publicity Leaflet.
Leeds Polytechnic. Carnegie School of Physical Education and Human Movement Studies. School Publicity Leaflet.
Conference Papers v.1 no.1&2 1964-5
Conference Papers v.1 no.1&2 1964-5
Art and Craft.
Art and Craft.
Potter’s wheel.
Potter’s wheel.
Science class.
Science class.
Letters from Howard Somerville to M. T. Woodhouse
Letters from Howard Somerville to M. T. Woodhouse
Letter from Howard Somerville, dated 22 February 1933
Letter from Howard Somerville, dated 22 February 1933
Clearing of old book room, 8 September 1995
Clearing of old book room, 8 September 1995