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Sports Cap
Sports Cap
Tate’s King Lear, [No date].
Tate’s King Lear, [No date].
[Bundle 1] Copies of letters-Mercier to Graham,press cuttings.
[Bundle 1] Copies of letters-Mercier to Graham,press cuttings.
City of Leeds Training College Addresses of Staff & Students, 1921-1923
City of Leeds Training College Addresses of Staff & Students, 1921-1923
XIth Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Congress of Physical Education. Programme of events. 25 May 1936.
XIth Olympic Games Berlin 1936. Congress of Physical Education. Programme of events. 25 May 1936.
Letter addressed to David Kirk from W. H. White. 15 November 2007
Letter addressed to David Kirk from W. H. White. 15 November 2007
City of Leeds TC Main lecture block 1947
City of Leeds TC Main lecture block 1947
Postcard of The Grange, Becketts Park, Leeds
Postcard of The Grange, Becketts Park, Leeds
Field study trips in 1920s
Field study trips in 1920s
Cavendish Hall
Cavendish Hall