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Framed panoramic photograph of Beckett Park
Framed panoramic photograph of Beckett Park
City of Leeds Training College Handbook
City of Leeds Training College Handbook
The Owl, Winter 1915 -Spring 1916
The Owl, Winter 1915 -Spring 1916
White Donation
White Donation
Biography of Walter Sydney Lund
Biography of Walter Sydney Lund
Photocopy of Cavendish Hall photograph
Photocopy of Cavendish Hall photograph
Photograph of group outside Cavendish Hall
Photograph of group outside Cavendish Hall
Letter from Alison Pommenencke to K Holt, 14 May 2007
Letter from Alison Pommenencke to K Holt, 14 May 2007
Letter from Alison Pommenencke to K Holt, 2 May 2007
Letter from Alison Pommenencke to K Holt, 2 May 2007
Walter Sydney Lund
Walter Sydney Lund