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Yorkshire Training College of Housecraft Magazines
Yorkshire Training College of Housecraft Magazines
50 Years on Reunion, City of Leeds Training College, May 18th 1996
50 Years on Reunion, City of Leeds Training College, May 18th 1996
City of Leeds Training College, Biology [Botany]
City of Leeds Training College, Biology [Botany]
Outsize and atlas case.
Outsize and atlas case.
Leeds Education Authority. Beckett Park Hospital. 1924
Leeds Education Authority. Beckett Park Hospital. 1924
Trees at a distance. Photograph.
Trees at a distance. Photograph.
Button polishing guard
Button polishing guard
Carnegie Old Students Association - Yearbooks
Carnegie Old Students Association - Yearbooks
Prospectus 1968-9
Prospectus 1968-9
Six people in pool with two balls, one onlooker.
Six people in pool with two balls, one onlooker.