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Harrier Team photograph
WHI/4 · Item · 1915
Parte de White Donation

City of Leeds Training College Harrier team
Back row: C. Hey; H. Holt; Dudley Roe; L. Joy; I. Larkin.
Middle row: Mr. Lacey; Len Schofield (Captain); Mr. Jarman
Front row: C. Whittle; Bill Ratcliffe; Fred Unwin.

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Inter Hostel Sports Shield
GB 2830 BPL/22/9/15 · Item · 1914 - 1915
Parte de Beckett Park Library Collection

Postcard written on back, 'Inter Hostel Sports Shield (Men) C.L.T.C."Fairfax" 1915-14, "Fairfax" 1914-15 in two different hands. Front photograph shows shield hanging on wall with framed group photograph immediately below. [Likely to be Fairfax].