Doris Rushworth, was born on 27 August 1897 in Bradford. She trained as a primary teacher at Leeds Training College. She then worked for a few years as a teacher in Bradford before marrying, Charles Rhodes, in 1923. She died in 1978. Two smaller albums are inscribed 'Doris Rushworth Xmas 1916' and 'Doris Rushworth August 1917'. The photos are mostly unlabelled but clearly connected with the College. They appear to depict College events and fellow-students. They are mostly formal group photos, apparently on College premises, or individual studio photos. Some of the latter are labelled with first names of the individuals concerned. One larger album, untitled and undated, contains more photos of the same type, there are some photos of [Rushworth] family. Group photos of children, possibly schoolchildren taught by Doris Rushworth.
Rushworth, DorisThe donation contains ten 16mm and one 8mm films showing Carnegie College of Physical Training shot by Ambrose Congdon, a keen amateur filmmaker, during his time at Carnegie in 1936-38. Congdon caught on film his fellow students at work and play, including shots of Mr and Mrs Major relaxing in their garden. He also filmed the beginning of land clearances for the 1938 extensions to Carnegie College. The films capture the 1937 Festival of Youth. There is also a photograph/scrap album from the same period. Included are letters received by Congdon during the months after he and his contemporaries left Carnegie.
Congdon, Ambrose Major