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City of Leeds Training College [Chapter]
City of Leeds Training College [Chapter]
Young Leeds: a picture of life in the city's schools and colleges
Young Leeds: a picture of life in the city's schools and colleges
Field study trips in 1920s
Field study trips in 1920s
Botanical and geological interest
Botanical and geological interest
Kirkstall Grange display slides
Kirkstall Grange display slides
Carnegie Physical Training College, Leeds. Handbook
Carnegie Physical Training College, Leeds. Handbook
Carnegie College of Physical Education. Prospectus.
Carnegie College of Physical Education. Prospectus.
Photographs of plays performed at City of Leeds Training College.
Photographs of plays performed at City of Leeds Training College.
Bundle 1962-1975
Bundle 1962-1975
Bundle 1949-1986
Bundle 1949-1986