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Description archivistique
The Dramatic Society, list of plays.
The Dramatic Society, list of plays.
An invitation to the Alumni Celebration Weekend, 31 August – 2 September 2007. Celebrating a century of education at Headingley.
An invitation to the Alumni Celebration Weekend, 31 August – 2 September 2007. Celebrating a century of education at Headingley.
Letter in envelope dated 7 April 1936 from G. H Gray to Miss F. M. Fenby.
Letter in envelope dated 7 April 1936 from G. H Gray to Miss F. M. Fenby.
Second Grade Examination in Art - Geometry
Second Grade Examination in Art - Geometry
Dr Airey Testimonial Fund. Minutes.
Dr Airey Testimonial Fund. Minutes.
The Insect Play, 25-26 March 1949.
The Insect Play, 25-26 March 1949.
The Owl, Summer 1928
The Owl, Summer 1928
Copy of correspondence with Board of Education respecting the investigation
Copy of correspondence with Board of Education respecting the investigation
City of Leeds Training College. Details of Administration and Finance, dated October 1912.
City of Leeds Training College. Details of Administration and Finance, dated October 1912.