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Affichage de 402 résultats

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Training College, Leeds. Postcard
Training College, Leeds. Postcard
Education Block and lawn, with tree and band in background.
Education Block and lawn, with tree and band in background.
Kirkstall Grange sketch map. Photograph.
Kirkstall Grange sketch map. Photograph.
Physiology Laboratory, 1970s?
Physiology Laboratory, 1970s?
Dissecting fish, scalpel, scissors and lamp.
Dissecting fish, scalpel, scissors and lamp.
Five figures in movement.
Five figures in movement.
Learning Centre counter.
Learning Centre counter.
Mary Fenby outside Macaulay.
Mary Fenby outside Macaulay.
‘Dixie’ British Army standard issue.
‘Dixie’ British Army standard issue.