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Affichage de 128 résultats

Description archivistique
Material relating to Harry Threapland Buttress
Material relating to Harry Threapland Buttress
William White letter and photographs
William White letter and photographs
Walter Sydney Lund
Walter Sydney Lund
Kathleen Dickenson
Kathleen Dickenson
Box 4 - Yorkshire Training College of Housecraft Ephemera
Box 4 - Yorkshire Training College of Housecraft Ephemera
Library and Learning Centre Miscellaneous material
Library and Learning Centre Miscellaneous material
Beckett Park Archaeological Project
Beckett Park Archaeological Project
Harry Bennett
Harry Bennett
Building work, 10 January 1996
Building work, 10 January 1996
New study spaces, 17 April 1996
New study spaces, 17 April 1996