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Descripción archivística
[Box 20] Miscellaneous Beckett Park related material
[Box 20] Miscellaneous Beckett Park related material
[Box 21] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
[Box 21] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
[Box 22] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
[Box 22] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
Photographs of Library refurbishment, completed 1996
Photographs of Library refurbishment, completed 1996
[Box 16] City of Leeds Training College, Assorted administration papers.
[Box 16] City of Leeds Training College, Assorted administration papers.
[Box 18] Carnegie College of Physical Training. Material relevant to Berlin Trip 1936.
[Box 18] Carnegie College of Physical Training. Material relevant to Berlin Trip 1936.
[Box 1] Assorted historical material.
[Box 1] Assorted historical material.
[Box 14] Miscellaneous material.
[Box 14] Miscellaneous material.
[Box 2] Assorted historical material.
[Box 2] Assorted historical material.
[Box 3] Assorted material.
[Box 3] Assorted material.