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Affichage de 66 résultats
Description archivistique
[Box 20] Miscellaneous Beckett Park related material
[Box 20] Miscellaneous Beckett Park related material
[Box 21] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
[Box 21] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
[Box 22] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
[Box 22] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
Photographs of Library refurbishment, completed 1996
Photographs of Library refurbishment, completed 1996
[Box 16] City of Leeds Training College, Assorted administration papers.
[Box 16] City of Leeds Training College, Assorted administration papers.
[Box 18] Carnegie College of Physical Training. Material relevant to Berlin Trip 1936.
[Box 18] Carnegie College of Physical Training. Material relevant to Berlin Trip 1936.
West Yorkshire Society of Architects The Journal
West Yorkshire Society of Architects The Journal
West Yorkshire Society of Architects The Journal/Journal
West Yorkshire Society of Architects The Journal/Journal
WYSA Minutes and Agenda
WYSA Minutes and Agenda
WYSA Minutes and Agenda
WYSA Minutes and Agenda