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Description archivistique
The Dramatic Society, list of plays.
The Dramatic Society, list of plays.
City of Leeds Training College. Early papers.
City of Leeds Training College. Early papers.
City of Leeds Training College, July 1924
City of Leeds Training College, July 1924
City of Leeds Training College. Information for Women Students
City of Leeds Training College. Information for Women Students
Photographs of City of Leeds Training College opening
Photographs of City of Leeds Training College opening
City of Leeds Training College. Administration papers.
City of Leeds Training College. Administration papers.
City of Leeds Training College Handbook
City of Leeds Training College Handbook
City of Leeds Training College, June 1929
City of Leeds Training College, June 1929
[Box 21] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
[Box 21] Miscellaneous material donated to the Library
Inter Hostel Shield, Parson's Trophy
Inter Hostel Shield, Parson's Trophy