Small brown photo album 155x120mm. Inscribed Doris Rushworth Xmas 1916. Portraits and group photographs of friends and family relate to CLTC.
Zonder titelThis is a medium-sized brown photograph album 180x140mm, Inscribed Doris Rushworth, August 1917. It contains group photographs of friends, some family, and many relating to CLTC.
Zonder titelLarge grey photograph album with embossed rose on cover 263x215mm. These are mainly family photographs, some relating to CLTC.
Zonder titelDoris Rushworth, was born on 27 August 1897 in Bradford. She trained as a primary teacher at Leeds Training College. She then worked for a few years as a teacher in Bradford before marrying, Charles Rhodes, in 1923. She died in 1978. Two smaller albums are inscribed 'Doris Rushworth Xmas 1916' and 'Doris Rushworth August 1917'. The photos are mostly unlabelled but clearly connected with the College. They appear to depict College events and fellow-students. They are mostly formal group photos, apparently on College premises, or individual studio photos. Some of the latter are labelled with first names of the individuals concerned. One larger album, untitled and undated, contains more photos of the same type, there are some photos of [Rushworth] family. Group photos of children, possibly schoolchildren taught by Doris Rushworth.
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