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Strolling Photograph
GB 2830 SAN/5 · Unidad documental simple · n.d.
Parte de Stanley Anderson Donation

Digital copy of a photograph showing Stanley Anderson (hands in pocket, cigarette in mouth, and wearing a blazer. Others in the photograph are unidentified.

College Blazer
GB 2830 SAN/2 · Unidad documental simple · 1924
Parte de Stanley Anderson Donation

The green jackets seem to be specific to college sports teams. The owl motif differs from the one used on the more common striped college blazer. The embroidered lettering stands for Association Football Club and Cricket Club.

Stanley Anderson Donation
GB 2830 SAN · Colección · 1923 - 1933

Stanley Anderson attended the City of Leeds Training College in the 1920s and taught in schools in the Dearne Valley area of Yorkshire. In the 1960s, he became a Headmaster. He was a keen sportsman both at college and in later life.

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