Book published as part of Education Week. Contains summaries of various Educational institutions from Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, Higher and Further education and other Services. This copy contains bookplate of The City of Leeds Training College
Sem títuloBook published as part of Education Week. Contains summaries of various Educational institutions from Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, Higher and Further education and other Services. This copy contains library stamps of The City of Leeds College of Education Library. Loose leaf of photocopied page from May 1959 The Owl concerning Fairfax.
Sem títuloPhotocopy of chapter on City of Leeds Training College from book 'Young Leeds' published as part of Education Week.
Sem títuloLists teachers in schools across Leeds includes appointment and leaving dates.
Sem títuloBook published as part of Education Week. Contains summaries of various Educational institutions from Pre-school, Primary, Secondary, Higher and Further education and other Services. This copy contains library stamps of the Yorkshire Training College of Housecraft.
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